Birmingham Businesses Rally to Support Groundbreaking Paediatric Blood Cancer Trials Network
On Wednesday evening (4th December), Cure Leukaemia hosted an inspiring event in Birmingham to introduce the groundbreaking ATICUS network, a global first in transplant trials aimed at revolutionising treatments for childhood blood cancer. Held at PWC Birmingham, the event brought together influential figures from the West Midlands business and healthcare communities, who heard firsthand about the transformative potential of this initiative.
Dr Sarah Lawson, Consultant Haematologist at Birmingham Children’s Hospital delivered an impassioned address on the critical need for the ATICUS network, highlighting that in Birmingham alone one child is diagnosed with blood cancer every week. “This network will offer families the hope of better treatment options and brighter futures,” she said, emphasising the urgency to bring the initiative to life.
Matt Hammond, Partner at PWC Birmingham added “It was a privilege to host the event and welcome the wider business community at our Birmingham offices on such a powerful night.”
The audience was profoundly moved by two families who courageously shared their personal stories, offering a glimpse into the impact of a childhood blood cancer diagnosis, what it’s like for them at Christmas and how the need for less toxic treatments is so vital. Their heartfelt testimonies highlighted the pressing need for innovative research and the paediatric clinical transplant trials network.
Cure Leukaemia CEO James McLaughlin concluded the evening by introducing Club 10, a unique opportunity for businesses to become part of this globally significant project. “The ATICUS network places Birmingham at the forefront of a revolution in blood cancer treatment for children. By pledging £10,000 per year and joining Club 10, businesses will be part of a £1m per year innovative network, directly contributing to saving lives and giving hope to thousands of families across the UK and beyond”.
Andy Fish Group Finance Director at Westbridge Food concluded the evening as speaking as a proud Club 10 founding member. “The family stories really hit home. The difference Cure Leukaemia is making is huge. I love the way Cure Leukaemia has joined the dots to create a credible and viable solution that offers patients real hope of better futures. It was a privilege to share Westbridge’s small part in this.”
Speaking after the event, Neil Rami added “As the Chief Executive of the West Midlands Growth Company it was a delight to see so many businesses and individuals from across the region in attendance to support the ATICUS Network, that will put Birmingham at the forefront of paediatric blood cancer innovation.”
Cure Leukaemia is calling on businesses and individuals to join Club 10 and be part of a transformative initiative that positions Birmingham as a leader in global healthcare innovation. To learn more about the ATICUS network and how your business can support this life-changing network, visit
Together, we can give hope to children living with blood cancer today and pave the way for a brighter future.