26-year-old student Chanita Tarcea has been inspired to take on the Great Manchester Run on behalf of Cure Leukaemia today following a friend’s recent diagnosis.
Chanita is training to become a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist at the University of Central Lancashire, but currently works within the mental health sector, helping people overcome long standing mental health conditions, substance misuse and addiction.
In December last year, her close friend Chris received a life-changing diagnosis and began treatment for leukaemia. After seeing someone so close to her have their life turned upside down by cancer, Chanita was determined to take on a new challenge in Chris’ name.
“It came as a huge shock to us all and ever since I have wanted to do something to help raise awareness and money to help others who are affected by leukaemia,” Chanita said. “I also wanted to challenge myself to do something I’ve never done before.”
“This is my first running event, so it’s a big one to get started with! I’ve been running for fitness and enjoyment for many years, just not 13 miles!”
The AJ Bell Great Manchester Run takes place this weekend on May 26 and will see thousands of runners take on 10k and half marathon events. Chanita has undertaken weeks of training and is looking forward to crossing the finish line.
“I’ve been training alongside another friend, who is also raising money for a similar cause. for several weeks and we’ve been doing different things to help build endurance and fitness.
“I’m looking forward to crossing the finish line and seeing Chris whilst wearing my Cure Leukaemia shirt as I am so proud of what he has overcome!”